Heninger Enterprises, LLC. Is your first choice when it comes to clean airflow testing & certification. We will be there for every step of the way and provide for all your testing and certification needs. From set-up, repairs, to take down.
- Comprehensive Clean Room Testing & Certification
- Jump to: Services – Negative Pressure Isolation Rooms & Clean Rooms
- USP 795, 797, & 800 Pharmaceutical Compounding Certification Jump to: Services – Pharmaceutical Compounding: USP

We are always close
- HEPA Filter Airflow analysis
- Airflow Visualization – Smoke Studies: Dynamic/Static
- Room Air Changes Per Hour (ACPH)
- Particulate Viable Sampling
- Environmental Monitoring: Particulate Non-Viable Sampling
- HEPA Filter Continuity
- Pressure Testing & Airflow Direction Verification
- Temperature (Surface & Air)
- Humidity
- Decontamination (Chlorine Gas)
- ther Client related requirements


Consulting Services
- Sterile Compounding facilities Design to USP Standards
- Clean Room design and improvements

Biological Safety Cabinets
- Calibrate/Set-up
- Certification (NSF-49)
- Decontamination

Chemical Fume Hood
- Certification
- Decontamination
- Repair

Laminar Air Flow Clean Benches
- Calibrate/Set-up
- Certification
- Decontamination
Independent Living
Learn about us

The Hood Guys provide decontamination services for routine or single-time events and specializes in contamination prevention and response for new and existing facilities. Our chlorine dioxide gas technology that we use allows for the complete decontamination of facility equipment with minimal decon equipment and minimal downtime. complete decontamination services in less than 5 hours for a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC). This is including the setup, tear down & re-certification process. This is a very large improvement from formaldehyde, where the entire decontamination process encompasses almost 2 working days. Our gaseous systems provide the ability to achieve complete distribution and a thorough penetration of chlorine dioxide to each and every surface within your devise, including microscopic cracks and crevices to deliver an extremely high level of decontamination, something other agents such as vapors, mists, and fogs cannot promise. Our chlorine dioxide is safe on materials and leaves no post treatment residuals.